
Jessica Cox


The idea of Bambini Yoga Project sprung out of a social media challenge I did with my 5-year old daughter, Brooklyn, in June 2016.  Our goal was to spend 5-10 minutes a day together practicing yoga or simply just taking some time to get on our mat.  We documented our challenge through Facebook and Instagram as the #bambiniyogaproject.  It was so beautifully powerful and we got incredible support and feedback from friends across the country.  And even more importantly, my daughter and I got to be with each other, really be with each other.  I realized the strength in our relationship and how taking this time allowed us to deepen our bond and our connection to one another.   

Skip ahead a few months to August.  Brooklyn started kindergarten and I am now the parent of a child in elementary school.  She loved her school and I loved it for her and the year got off to a fantastic start.  Her school has a very involved PTA and high expectations for parent involvement through volunteering, donating to fundraisers, attending events/fundraisers for the school outside of school hours, etc.  The school has great programs during and after school and they have access to extracurricular activities like yoga, art, legos.  They have P.E. classes twice a week.  While this all makes me very happy for my child and the children she goes to school with, it also made me sad that there were other children in our community that did not have access to the same types things.  One morning on the way to school, I got an idea.  I could bring yoga to school children in my community and what better to call it than the Bambini Yoga Project.  As a student of yoga for the past 10 years and a teacher for 7, I would offer yoga programs to schools in our community and eventually elsewhere, through our organization.  I put the idea out there and it immediately started to flourish.  Creating equality in opportunity to our children is a deep passion of mine.  Our children are our future and they all deserve to thrive regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.  Through our outreach programs, we will work within our community to affect positive change by empowering our children to be the best they can be.