
Bambini Yoga Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to uplifting, encouraging and empowering school age children to develop the skills necessary to move forward with courage and confidence in order to reach their highest potential through the practice of yoga.  We believe that every child should be provided equal opportunity in the programs and resource available to them through their public school system.  Often times this is not the case due to a variety of reasons.  The Bambini Yoga Project seeks to bridge that gap.  We have an amazing team dedicated to bringing the practice of yoga, mindfulness and meditation to our children. 



Our goal is to give our children the courage to move forward from a place of confidence, acting mindfully in the world around them, and empowering them to reach their fullest potential through the practice of yoga.  It is our vision to offer our program nationally and to school districts who otherwise may not have the opportunity to bring the practice of yoga to their students.



the quality of mind or spirit that allows one to face difficulty without fear.



a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities


bringing a higher level of awareness to our thoughts and feelings without judgment


the process of becoming stronger and more confident